The Reoutfitter is a fashion and wardrobe styling consultant with an emphasis on promoting circular fashion and tailored fashion advice to change how we shop. To “shop better” for a more eco-friendly world.

Hi, I’m Sera Murphy aka The Reoutfitter.

Your sustainable stylist in Singapore.

Are you ready to elevate your fashion game, sustainably? Say goodbye to fast fashion and discover a world of style that expresses your values and personality. Let’s build you a wardrobe you can be proud of.

The Reoutfitter, seen and heard in:

How I can help:

Services aka Reoutfits

Start your journey here.

Retainer Services

Exclusive for our existing clientele.

The Showroom

Your fashion oasis.

Why Me?

Read about my life-long fashion journey & distinctive styling approach.

What is Sustainable Styling?

Wear your values.


“Sera understands the look I am after & gives ideas to inject fun too.”

-Siok T.

Entrepreneur, Singapore & London

“I can’t explain quite how revolutionary my sessions with Sera were.”

-Katerina P.

Banker, Singapore

“The whole experience with Sera is so positive & enjoyable.”

-Julie S.

Consultant, Hong Kong

“Thank you for making me feel good about myself again.”

-Liwen H.

Private Equity Director, Singapore

“Fashion is life-enhancing and I think it's a lovely, generous thing to do for other people.”

— Vivienne Westwood, Fashion Manifesto: The Style-Smart Handbook

Looking for the online shop?

Find curated pre-loved pieces (all from Sera’s clients) for sale.